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Figures of Speech

There are two ways of using a language – Figuratively and literally. When we talk in terms of figurative language, the meaning of any phrase/meaning will depend on the situation in which they are used. The literal language uses the exact definition and real meanings of phrases and words. A figure of speech relies on such rhetoric and figurative language.

To give a more stylized and specialized meaning the words diverge from their literal meanings when we use figures of speech. Let us, for instance, consider the phrase “fast like lightning”. This phrase clearly implies great speed, but, it does not literally mean as fast as lightning. Example: “Seeing the Dogs following, he ran as fast as lightning”.  Let us learn more about figures of speech.

Types of Figures of Speech

There are many figures of speech, but here in this article, we will be discussing five main figures of speech we use in our daily prose.

1. Figures of Speech: Simile

A simile is a figure of speech that uses comparison. Two specific words “like” and “as” are used in a simile to compare two unlikely things, that have nothing in common. This is generally done to highlight the dramatic behaviour of the prose and put into effect comparisons and vivid image. It is the commonest forms of a figure of speech and is used in everything life.

Let us see some examples of simile. “she is as cute as a kitten”. Here you will notice a girl and her cuteness is being compared to a Kitten. This is an illogical and unusual comparison, but it brings out an imagination quality in the sentence. The literal sentence would have read “She is cute”, but using the simile makes it sound much better. Other such examples can be

As bold as brass

As bright as a button

As shiny as a new pin

2. Figures of Speech: Metaphor

Simile and metaphor are very similar. Metaphor generally compares to things that are not at all similar. This helps in bringing out the symbolism. A metaphor is a phrase or word used that is used to show its similarity to another thing. It helps in explaining an idea, but a metaphor, when taken with its literal meaning, sounds completely absurd.

An example of a metaphor is “Bob is a hungry wolf, he can eat a lot.” Literally, this sounds absurd. But this is a metaphor which suggests that Bob can eat a lot. It compares or implies that Bob is a Wolf to bring out the symbolism.

While a metaphor and simile seem to be very similar, there is one simple difference between the two. In a simile, we use the words “as” and “like” for comparison,  A metaphor will not have either of those two words.

3. Figures of Speech: Personification

Another very interesting figure of speech is Personification.  When we talk about personification, a non-human entity is generally represented as human. We give an intangible idea or an inanimate object of human qualities such as gestures, emotions or even speech. This is generally done to portray the object as alive. This helps the reader or listener paint a vivid picture. On the contrary,  if the words are taken at their literal meaning, they will surely sound absurd.

“My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning”. Here we have taken an object, clock, and personified it as a living thing by claiming that it yells. Other such examples could be, “My flowers were begging for water”. “The ivy wove its fingers around the fence.”

4. Figures of Speech: Hyperbole

In the Greek language, Hyperbole means ‘excess’. And the main purpose of using it is to symbolise that it exaggerates. Hyperbole is generally used to lay stress on the significance or overstate something. These exaggerated statements should not be taken at their literal meaning. Hyperboles are mostly used to create a distinct and enduring impression.

An example would be “I’ve told you to clean your room a million times!”. Obviously, he must have not asked to clean the room million times, we only exaggerate to emphasize on how many times he might have asked. Some other examples are, “I am so hungry I could eat a horse”. “I have a million things to do today.”

5. Figures of Speech: Onomatopeia 

Onomatopoeia is the use of words (such as hiss or murmur) that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. It is a figure of speech where words or phrases indicate sounds. Often to better describe a setting and bring about more imagery writers use words to involve all five of our senses.

For example “The best part about music class is that you can bang on the drum”. Here the word ‘bang’ is indicating the sound coming from the drum. Some other examples are “It is not unusual for a dog to bark when visitors arrive”. “Silence your cellphone so that it does not beep  during the movie.”

Hope you liked this article on Figures of Speech. If you have any doubts regarding this article, do mention in the comments section.

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