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The Human Nervous System

The nervous system is a complex connection of nerves and unique cells (neurons) that are responsible for transmitting signals to and from various body parts.

Classification Of the Human Nervous System

The nervous system is basically classified into Central nervous system and Peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system manages the whole body and the nervous system. It is only because of the nervous system’s efficient coordination between the different organ systems that we can feel sensations like pain or cold.
Broadly, the nervous system can be classified into:
  1. The central nervous system (CNS) consisting of the brain, spinal cord.
  2. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consisting of sensory neurons, ganglia (a cluster of neurons) and nerves.
The Human Nervous System - Testbook
The nervous system is also classified on the basis of functionalityinto:
  1. The somatic nervous system(SNS) responsible for conscious perception and voluntary motor response. For example, getting startled when someone sneaks up on you. That was not decided by you, nonetheless, it is a motor response involving skeletal muscle contractions.
  2. The autonomic nervous system( ANS) responsible for involuntary body movements usually with the objective of maintaining body homeostasis. For example, sweating when your body is hot is to cool the body down.
  3. The enteric nervous system(ENS) responsible for controlling smooth muscle and glandular tissue in the digestive system.
Let’s understand in detail the Central Nervous system and the Peripheral Nervous System –

Central Nervous System

So far you know that the nervous system is classified into Central and Peripheral nervous system. Neurons are the basic unit of the nervous system. These neurons are classified into three types – Sensory, motor and association/connecting neurons. The main function of the central nervous system is to keep control over the entire body and the nervous system. The Central Nervous consists of two main parts – Brain and Spinal Cord. These two parts are covered by three membranes mentioned below:
  • Durameter which is the outer layer/membrane.
  • Arachnoid membrane is the middle layer.
  • Piameter is the innermost membrane
Let’s study in details the two main parts of the central nervous system i.e. brain and spinal cord –
Human Nervous System - Testbook


It is entirely covered by a protective layer called meninges. To protect the brain from injuries it is covered by a bony box termed as the cranium. Furthermore, the brain is divided into three parts Forebrain, Midbrain, and Hindbrain.
  • Forebrain
The forebrain is made up of the Cerebrum, Thalamus, and Hypothalamus. The Cerebrum is associated with memory, wisdom, knowledge, will power and thinking. Thalamus regulates cold, heat and pain. Whereas, the Hypothalamus controls the sweat, blood pressure, secretion of hormones, thirst, hunger, etc.
  • Midbrain
Midbrain manages the main function of hearing and vision.
  • Hindbrain
Hindbrain includes parts like Cerebellum, Pons and Medulla. The human body posture is managed by Cerebellum. The Pons acts as a bridge between the spinal cord and brain. Medulla regulates important functions like respiration, heart rate, sneezing, and coughing, etc.

Spinal Cord

  • The spinal cord starts from the medulla oblongata and extends towards the neural canal of the backbone/vertebral column.
  • There are 31 pair of spinal nerves that arises from the side of the spinal cord.
  • The function of the Spinal cord is to control all the reflexes that take place below the neck.
  • Furthermore, the spinal cord conducts the sensory impulses arising from the muscles and skin to the brain.
  • Vertebrae protect the spinal cord from any kind of injuries.
  • The spinal cord also conducts the motor responses from the brain to the muscles present in the limbs and trunk area.

Peripheral Nervous

The peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves that arise from the brain and spinal cord. The human body has 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves. The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system.

Somatic Nervous system

Somatic Nervous system includes the peripheral nerve fibers that convey the sensory information to the motor nerve fiber and central nervous system.

Autonomic Nervous system

The autonomic nervous system consists of three sections namely, the sympathetic, parasympathetic and the enteric nervous system. It regulates the smooth muscle of the viscera (internal organs) and glands.

What is the Function of the Nervous System?

  • Essentially, the primary function of the nervous system is to send signals either from one cell to another or from one body organ to another.
  • There is more than one way in which cells send signals. The broadcast method of signaling is done through the endocrine system where the hormones are released into the circulatory system. Through the nervous system, the signaling is done “point to point”. Hence, the nervous system entails advantages of being more specific, accurate and speedy.
  • The human nervous system controls the human body. The body reacts to stimulus because the nervous system extracts these external signals via sensory receptors and the central nervous system processes these signals and decides on an appropriate response and then sends an output signal to the concerned body part to activate the response.
Human nervous system - Testbook

Diseases Associated with the Nervous System

Diseases occurring in the nervous system are mainly due to a genetic defect, a result of traumatic experiences, infections, or ageing. Diseases associated with the peripheral nervous system are mainly due to stoppage in nerve conduction. Illustrated below is the list of diseases along with their symptoms, treatment and precautionary measures.
Name of
Alzheimer’sAssociated with failing memory and deterioration in reasoning ability.Treatments exist only to slow down the symptoms because the death of brain cells cannot be reversed.Regular physical exercise can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by at least 50%. We should keep a check on our thyroid and sex hormone levels and eat healthy fats.
Leprosy– Infectious disease and is associated with skin lesions and no sensation to touch
– numbness in hands, feet and legs
– Muscle weakness, as evident from symptoms such as foot drop.
 Early recognition is important as early treatment limits the damage. Medications exist to kill the microorganisms and reduce symptoms.Doctors recommend annual examinations for at least five years after the last contact with an infectious person.
PolioFever, headache, vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue, neck stiffness, muscle stiffness, abnormal sensations in an area, muscle spasmsThe motive of the treatment is to control the growth of symptoms while the infection runs its course.Polio can be completely prevented and immunised against through vaccination. The polio vaccine needs to be given at age 2 months, 4 months, and between 6 and 18 months of age with a booster between 4 and 6 years of age.
RabiesPreliminary symptoms are mild and varied. The victim alternates between moods of agitation and calm; experiences muscle spasms of mouth and pharynx.Injections or immunoglobulin vaccine.Rabies can be prevented by vaccinating dogs and cats as required by law. We should not keep wild animals as pets and stay away from strays.
EpilepsyEpilepsy is a sudden rush of electrical activity in the brain. Mild seizures may be difficult to recognise and could span a few moments wherein you lack awareness. Stronger seizures will lead to spasms and uncontrollable muscle twitches. Victims either become confused or lose consciousness.The treatment plan depends on the severity of seizures. Some options are anti-epileptic medications, ketogenic diet, vagus nerve stimulator and even brain surgery of the affected area.We should keep away from alcohol and drugs and maintain a regular sleep schedule. Vitamin D tablets can be consumed and regular exercising would also be beneficial. A head injury can be prevented by wearing helmets while riding at all times. Regularise your sleep cycle and ensure you stick to it.
Parkinson’s diseaseParkinson’s disease commences usually with a tremor in the hand. Other symptoms include slow movement, stiffness, loss of balance, speech impairment.Treatments prevent symptoms from aggravating. In more advanced cases, surgery is advised. A speech pathologist will correct the problems associated with speech.Consume organic products which do not contain pesticides and insecticides. Have green tea and also incorporate Vitamin D3 and Omega 3 Fatty Acids in our diet. Regular aerobic exercise can also be beneficial.
Cerebral PalsySymptoms of cerebral palsy start to show in the first three years of life. These include overdeveloped or underdeveloped muscles, leading to stiff or floppy movements; crawling abnormally, limited movement, preferring one side of the body to another, lying down awkwardly.The treatment varies from individual to individual. A care plan addresses the needs of the child and the parents. As the child gets older, the plan is reviewed and revised. The aim is to provide maximum possible independence to the child.Unfortunately, cerebral palsy cannot be completely prevented during pregnancy or delivery. However, expecting mothers should try to deliver a healthy baby through regular visits to their gynecologist. Identifying potential Rh incompatibility between mother and child can also help prevent cerebral palsy in the unborn child.
This note on one of the most vital systems of the human body will help you in your static GK preparation. However, it is important for the candidate to be prepared with the other human body processes as all work hand-in-hand. 

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Kinematics is branch of mechanics which deals with the study of motion of the objects without taking into account the cause of their motion.


Rest and Motion

An object is said to be at rest if it does not change its position which respect to its surroundings with time and said to be in motion if it changes its position with respect to its surrounding with time.

·         Rectilinear motion moving car on horizontal road, motion under gravity etc.

·         Angular motion such as particle going on a circle, projectile motion, rotation of machine shaft etc.

·         Rotational motion such as motion of a fan.

·         It an object travels equal distances in equal intervals of time, then it is said to be in uniform motion.

·         It an object travels unequal distances in equal intervals of time, then it is said to be in non-uniform motion.



·         The distance covered by a moving body in a unit time interval is called its speed.

·         Speed =  

·         When a body travels equal distances with speed  and , then average speed is the harmonic mean of the two speeds.


·         When a body travels for equal times with speeds  and , then average speed is the arithmetic mean of the two speeds.




·         The time rate of change of displacement of a body is called its velocity.


·         An object is said to be moving with uniform velocity if it undergoes equal displacements in equal intervals of time.

·         An object is said to be moving with non-uniform or variable velocity if it undergoes unequal displacement in equal intervals of time.

·         Average velocity = 



·         The time rate of change of velocity of a body is called its acceleration.

·         Acceleration = 

·         It is a vector quantity and its SI unit is .

·         Acceleration at an instant of time is known as instantaneous acceleration.

·         When the velocity of a body increases with time, then its acceleration is positive and if velocity decreases with time, then its acceleration is negative called deceleration or retardation.

·         If acceleration does not change with time, it is said to be constant acceleration.


Equations of Uniformly Accelerated Motion (Along straight line)

If a body started its motion with initial velocity u and attains final velocity v in the interval t. The acceleration assumed to be uniform in motion is a and the distance travelled is s, then equations of motion:




·         If any body is falling freely under gravity, then a is replaced by g in above equations.

·         If an object is thrown vertically upward, then in above equations of motion a is replaced by (–g).

·         For a body with zero acceleration or constant speed, graph between velocity and time will be a line parallel to time axis.

·         Velocity–Time Graph For accelerating or decelerating body the graph will be a straight line inclined to time axis and velocity axis.

·         Graph between position (distance)-time for an accelerating or decelerating body is always a parabola.

·         Acceleration-time graph for uniformly accelerating body is a line parallel to time axis.

·         In case of uniform accelerated, the graph between position and velocity is always parabola.

·         In case of uniformly accelerated motion, the graph between velocity and time is always a straight line.

·         Slope of displacement-time graph gives velocity and slope of velocity-time graph gives acceleration.


Projectile Motion

·         When a body is thrown from horizontal making an angle (θ) except 90°, then its motion under gravity is a curved parabolic path, called trajectory and its motion is called projectile motion.


·         The motion of a bullet shot from the gun

·         The motion of a rocket after burn-out

·         The motion of a bomb dropped from a aeroplane etc.


Properties of Projectile Motion

If we drop a ball from a height and at the same time thrown another ball in a horizontal direction, then both the balls would strike the earth simultaneously at different places.


Circular Motion

·         The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motion.

·         Circular motion with a constant speed is called uniform circular motion.

·         The direction of motion at any point in circular motion is given by the tangent to the circle at that point.

·         In uniform circular motion, the velocity and acceleration both changes.

·         In case of non-uniform circular motion, the speed changes from point to point on the circular track.


Centripetal Acceleration

During circular motion an acceleration acts on the body towards the centre, called centripetal acceleration.

The direction of centripetal acceleration is always towards the centre of the circular path.



It is an external push or pull with can change or tries to change the state of rest or of uniform motion. SI unit is newton (N) and CGS unit is dyne. 1 N =  dyne.

If sum of all the forces acting on a body is zero, then body is said to be in equilibrium.


Centripetal Force

During circular motion a force always acts on the body towards the centre of the circular path, called centripetal force.


Centrifugal Force

In circular motion we experience that a force is acting on us in opposite to the direction of centripetal force called centrifugal force. This is an apparent force or imaginary force and also called a pseudo force.


Applications of centripetal and centrifugal forces

·         Cyclist inclined itself from vertical to obtain required centripetal force. To take a safe turn cyclist slower down his speed and moves on a path of larger radius.

·         Roads are banked at turns to provide required centripetal force for taking a turn.

·         For taking turn on a curved road, the frictional force is acting between the tyres of the vehicle and the road acts as centripetal force.

·         If a bucket containing water is revolved fast in a vertical plane, the water may not fall even when bucket is completely inverted because a centrifugal force equal or greater than the weight of water pushes the water to the bottom of the bucket.

·         For orbital motion of electrons around the nucleus electrostatic force of attraction is acting between the electrons and the nucleus as centripetal force.

·         Cream is separated from milk when it is rotated in a vessel about the same axis. During rotation lighter particles of cream experience a lesser force than the heavier particles of milk.

·         For revolution of the earth around the sun, gravitational force of attraction between the earth and the sun acts as centripetal force.


Newton’s Laws

Newton’s First Law

A body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless an external force acts on it. It is based on


law of inertia.

Inertia is the property of a body by virtue of which is opposes any change in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line.


Inertia of Rest

·         When a bus or train at rest starts, to move suddenly, the passangers sitting in it jerk in backward direction due to their inertia of rest.

·         The dust particles come out from a carpet when it is beaten with a stick due to their inertia of rest.

·         A passenger jumping out from a rapidly moving bus or train is advised to jump in forward direction and run forward for a short mile due to inertia of rest.

Inertia of Motion

When a running bus or train stops suddenly, the passengers sitting in it jerk in forward direction due to inertia of motion



The momentum of a moving body is equal to the product of its mass and its velocity.


Conservation of Linear Momentum

The linear momentum of a system of particles remains conserved if the external force acting on the system is zero.

·         Rocket propulsion and engine of jet aeroplane works on principle of conservation of linear momentum. In rocket, ejecting gas exerts a forward force which helps in accelerating the rocket upward.


Newton’s Second Law

The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the force applied on it and change in momentum takes place in the direction of applied force.


Newton’s Third Law

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction and both act on two interacting objects.

Rocket is propelled by the principle of Newton’s third law of motion.



·         A large force which acts on a body for a very short interval of time and produces a large change in its momentum is called an impulsive force.

·         Its unit is newton-second.

·         A fielder lowers its hand when catching a cricket ball because by lowering his hands, he increases the time of contact for stopping the ball and therefore fielder has to apply lesser force to stop the ball. The ball will also exert lesser force on the hands of the fielder and the fielder will not get hurt.

·         Wagons of a train are provided with the buffers to increase the time of impact during jerks and therefore, decreases the damage. The vehicles like scooter, car, bus, truck etc. are provided with shockers.




Friction is a force which opposes the relative motion of the two bodies when one body actually moves or tries to move over the surface of another body.

The cause of friction is the strong atomic or molecular forces of attraction acting on the two surfaces at the point of actual contact.


Uses of Friction

·         A ball bearing is a type of rolling-element that uses balls to maintain the separation between the bearing races. The purpose of a ball bearing is to reduce rotational friction and to support loads (weight).

·         Friction is necessary for walking, to apply brakes in vehicles, for holding nuts and bolts in a machinery etc.

·         Friction can be decreases by polishing the surfaces by using lubricants or by using ball bearings.

·         Tyres are made of synthetic rubber because its coefficient or friction with road is larger and therefore, large force of friction acts on it, which stops sliding at turns.

·         The tyres are threading which also increases the friction between the tyres and the road.

·         When pedal is applied to a bicycle, the force of friction on rear wheel is in forward direction and on front wheel is in the backward direction.

Loses due to Friction

·         Too much Loss of Energy in machines and then ultimately the machines are damaged.



It is a simple machine in which a straight or inclined rod is made to turn or rotate at a point freely or independently. There are three points related to lever namely load, effort and fulcrum.

·         Load The weight carried by the lever is called load.

·         Effort To operate lever, the force applied externally is called effort.

·         Fulcrum The fixed point about which the rod of lever moves independently is called fulcrum.


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Quant Algebra Formulas and Tricks

Quant Algebra Formulas/Identities

Algebra may seem difficult to most of you, but we will help you make it your trump card! Quickly go through the Basic algebra formulas to brace yourselves for the questions that follow.


(a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab
(a – b)2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab
a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b)
(a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab (a + b)
(a – b)3 = a3 – b3 – 3ab (a – b)
a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2 + b2 – ab)
a3 – b3 = (a – b) (a2 + b2 + ab)
(a + b + c)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + 2 (ab + bc + ca)
(a + b + c)3 = a3 + b3 + c3 + 3(a + b) (b + c) (c + a)
a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc = (a + b + c) (a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ca)
= ½ (a + b + c) [(a – b)2 + (b – c)2 + (c – a)2]

Now that you have revised the important algebra identities, try your hands at the following questions before we give you the cheat sheet. We have picked these questions from the previous year papers.

Directions: What should come in place of ‘?’ in the following questions?


a + b + c

ab + bc + ca


 Commonly Used Detailed Method

⇒ bc + a (b + c) =?
∴ Answer = bc + ab + ac
Option – 3

Lengthy isn’t it?  Want to know how you can solve this question in a few seconds? Read further to know the short trick.

Quant Algebra Short Trick – Know How to Solve in Seconds?

Time plays a very important part in any exam and using the above conventional method would easily eat up your 5-10 mins. Learn how you can solve this difficult algebra question in just a few seconds.

The above equation is a perfect example of homogeneous expressions because all the expressions have the same degree.

Degree of overall expression = 2

Now if you check the degrees of the options:

abc: Degree = 3

a + b + c: Degree = 1

ab + bc + ca: Degree = 2

3: Degree = 0

∴ option 3 i.e. ab + bc + ca is the right answer.


1) While calculating the degree of expression, keep in mind that we add the values of exponents if the variables are multiplied, we subtract the values if the values are divided and if the variables are added or subtracted then the highest degree is taken.

2) A degree is the highest power of the expression.

How to find the degree of an expression?

ExpressionCorresponding DegreeExplanationa33Value of exponentb or c1Value of exponent(b + c), (a– b) or (a-c)1Highest Degreea3 (b + c)3 + 1 = 4Values are added because they are multiplied(a – b) (a-c)1 + 1 = 2Values are added because they are multiplied.4 – 2 = 2Values are subtracted because they are dividedabc1 + 1 + 1 = 3Values are added because they are multiplied.a + b + c1Highest Degreeab + bc + ca1 + 1 = 2Values are added firstly because they are multiplied,
and the highest value is taken.30Variable is having 0 exponents.

Quant Algebra Questions

Its time you should try out a few questions, to strengthen the concept you’ve just read. Solve the following quant Algebra questions


1) a + b + c

2) 3

3) a2 + b2 + c2

4) abc

 Check Answer & Solution Here

The above equation is a perfect example of homogeneous expressions because all the expressions have the same degree.

Degree of overall expression = 1

Checking options:

Degree = 1

Degree = 0

Degree = 2

Degree = 3

∴ option 1 i.e. a + b + c is the right answer.

Q.2 (bc + ca + ab)3 – b3c– c3a3 – a3b= ?

1) 3abc (a + b) (b + c) (c + a)

2) (a + b) (b + c) (c + a)

3) (a – b) (b – c)(c – a)

4) 24abc

 Check Answer & Solution Here

The above equation is a perfect example of homogeneous expressions because all the expressions have the same degree.

Degree of (bc + ca + ab)= 2 × 3 = 6

Degree of b3c= 3 + 3 = 6

Degree of c3a= 3 + 3 = 6

Degree of a3b3 = 3 + 3 = 6

Degree of overall expression = 6

Checking options:

Degree = 6

Degree = 3

Degree = 3

Degree = 3

∴ option 1 i.e. 3abc (a + b) (b + c) (c + a) is the right answer.


1) 1

2) x/y

3) (xyzw)m

4) (xyzw)m/2

 Check Answer & Solution Here

Checking options:

Degree = 0

Degree = 0

Degree = 4m

Degree = 2m

∴ option 4 i.e. (xyzw)m/2 is the right answer.

Q4. (x + y + z)3 – (x + y – z)3 – (y + z – x)3 – (z + x – y)= ?

1) 8(x + y + z)

2) 24xyz

3) 12

4) 24

 Check Answer & Solution Here

The above equation is a perfect example of homogeneous expressions because all the expressions have the same degree.

Degree of (x + y + z)3= 3

Degree of (x + y – z)= 3

Degree of (y + z – x)3 = 3

Degree of (z + x – y)3= 3

Degree of overall expression = 3

Checking options:

Degree = 1

Degree = 3

Degree = 0

Degree = 0

∴ option 2 i.e. 24xyz is the right answer.

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Figures of Speech

There are two ways of using a language – Figuratively and literally. When we talk in terms of figurative language, the meaning of any phrase/meaning will depend on the situation in which they are used. The literal language uses the exact definition and real meanings of phrases and words. A figure of speech relies on such rhetoric and figurative language.

To give a more stylized and specialized meaning the words diverge from their literal meanings when we use figures of speech. Let us, for instance, consider the phrase “fast like lightning”. This phrase clearly implies great speed, but, it does not literally mean as fast as lightning. Example: “Seeing the Dogs following, he ran as fast as lightning”.  Let us learn more about figures of speech.

Types of Figures of Speech

There are many figures of speech, but here in this article, we will be discussing five main figures of speech we use in our daily prose.

1. Figures of Speech: Simile

A simile is a figure of speech that uses comparison. Two specific words “like” and “as” are used in a simile to compare two unlikely things, that have nothing in common. This is generally done to highlight the dramatic behaviour of the prose and put into effect comparisons and vivid image. It is the commonest forms of a figure of speech and is used in everything life.

Let us see some examples of simile. “she is as cute as a kitten”. Here you will notice a girl and her cuteness is being compared to a Kitten. This is an illogical and unusual comparison, but it brings out an imagination quality in the sentence. The literal sentence would have read “She is cute”, but using the simile makes it sound much better. Other such examples can be

As bold as brass

As bright as a button

As shiny as a new pin

2. Figures of Speech: Metaphor

Simile and metaphor are very similar. Metaphor generally compares to things that are not at all similar. This helps in bringing out the symbolism. A metaphor is a phrase or word used that is used to show its similarity to another thing. It helps in explaining an idea, but a metaphor, when taken with its literal meaning, sounds completely absurd.

An example of a metaphor is “Bob is a hungry wolf, he can eat a lot.” Literally, this sounds absurd. But this is a metaphor which suggests that Bob can eat a lot. It compares or implies that Bob is a Wolf to bring out the symbolism.

While a metaphor and simile seem to be very similar, there is one simple difference between the two. In a simile, we use the words “as” and “like” for comparison,  A metaphor will not have either of those two words.

3. Figures of Speech: Personification

Another very interesting figure of speech is Personification.  When we talk about personification, a non-human entity is generally represented as human. We give an intangible idea or an inanimate object of human qualities such as gestures, emotions or even speech. This is generally done to portray the object as alive. This helps the reader or listener paint a vivid picture. On the contrary,  if the words are taken at their literal meaning, they will surely sound absurd.

“My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning”. Here we have taken an object, clock, and personified it as a living thing by claiming that it yells. Other such examples could be, “My flowers were begging for water”. “The ivy wove its fingers around the fence.”

4. Figures of Speech: Hyperbole

In the Greek language, Hyperbole means ‘excess’. And the main purpose of using it is to symbolise that it exaggerates. Hyperbole is generally used to lay stress on the significance or overstate something. These exaggerated statements should not be taken at their literal meaning. Hyperboles are mostly used to create a distinct and enduring impression.

An example would be “I’ve told you to clean your room a million times!”. Obviously, he must have not asked to clean the room million times, we only exaggerate to emphasize on how many times he might have asked. Some other examples are, “I am so hungry I could eat a horse”. “I have a million things to do today.”

5. Figures of Speech: Onomatopeia 

Onomatopoeia is the use of words (such as hiss or murmur) that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. It is a figure of speech where words or phrases indicate sounds. Often to better describe a setting and bring about more imagery writers use words to involve all five of our senses.

For example “The best part about music class is that you can bang on the drum”. Here the word ‘bang’ is indicating the sound coming from the drum. Some other examples are “It is not unusual for a dog to bark when visitors arrive”. “Silence your cellphone so that it does not beep  during the movie.”

Hope you liked this article on Figures of Speech. If you have any doubts regarding this article, do mention in the comments section.

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RJ-45 Port

RJ45, which incidentally stands for registered jack 45, is the Ethernet style data port found on switches, routers and network cards. RJ45 actually refers to the port (female) and the connector (male) though it often is used to refer to a cable type, most commonly referred to as the Ethernet Cable.


A USB port is a standard cable connection interface for personal computers and consumer electronics devices. USB ports are used for connecting devices for data transfer and for charging devices as well. Flash drives are biggest examples for these ports, which are connected on these ports only. Types of USB Ports - USB-A, USB-B and USB-C.


Digital Visual Interface (DVI) is a video display interface developed by the Digital Display Working Group (DDWG). The interface is designed to transmit uncompressed digital video and can be configured to support multiple modes such as DVI-A (analog only), DVI-D (digital only) or DVI-I (digital and analog). DVI can stream up to 1920×1200 HD video, or with dual-link DVI connectors you can support up to 2560×1600 pixels.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is using technology to superimpose information on the world we see. This is rather different from virtual reality. Virtual reality means computer-generated environments for you to interact with, and being immersed in. Augmented reality (also known as AR), adds to the reality you would ordinarily see rather than replacing it. 

Pokemon go game is a good example of AR where the gamers used physical world as gaming spaces with superimposed Pokemon ( the character of the game) in the real world.

IEEE 802

IEEE 802 is a family of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE-SA) is an organisation within IEEE that develops global standards in a broad range of industries. IEEE 802 are standards dealing with local area networks and metropolitan area networks.

Some important working groups of IEEE802 protocol family are:

IEEE 802.1         Higher Layer LAN Protocols (Bridging)

IEEE 802.3         Ethernet

IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN (WLAN) & Mesh (Wi-Fi certification)

IEEE 802.14 Cable modems

IEEE 802.15 Wireless PAN


ARPANET was a large wide-area network created by the United States Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA). ARPANET was to be used for projects at universities and research laboratories in the US. The Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) was introduced as the standard networking protocol on the ARPANET.

Data warehousing

A data warehouse is a relational database that is designed for query and analysis rather than for transaction processing. Data warehouse is also known as an enterprise data warehouse is a system used for reporting and data analysis, and is the central repository of integrated data from one or more disparate sources.  Data warehousing involves data cleaning, data integration, and data consolidations.

Data Mining

Data Mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analysing data from different perspectives and summarising it into useful information. The related terms data dredging, data fishing, and data snooping refer to the use of data mining methods to sample parts of a larger population data set.

Data warehousing is the process of compiling and organising data into one common database, and data mining is the process of extracting meaningful data from that database.

Dataphone Modem

At&T Dataphone was the first commercial modem made for converting digital computer data at analog signals for transmission across long distance networks. A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a network hardware device.

Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud joins together a public and private cloud with an encrypted connection and technology that makes data portable. The key here is that both clouds remain separate, independent entities while also having one or more touch points in common.

public cloud is one based on the standard cloud computing model, in which a service provider makes resources, such as applications and storage, available to the general public over the Internet. Examples of public clouds include Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), IBM's Blue Cloud, Sun Cloud, Google AppEngine and Windows Azure Services Platform. Whereas a private cloud is a particular model of cloud computing that involves a distinct and secure cloud-based environment in which only the specified client can operate.

Foreign Key

In a relational database, a foreign key is a field in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table or the same table i.e. the foreign key is defined in a second table, but it refers to the primary key in the first table.


POST (Power-On Self-Test) is the diagnostic testing sequence that a computer's basic input/output system (or "starting program") runs to determine if the computer keyboard, random access memory, disk drives, and other hardware are working correctly.If the necessary hardware is detected and found to be operating properly, the computer begins to boot.


      Blue screens are generally caused by problems with your computer’s hardware or issues with its hardware driver software. A BSOD is the result of low-level software crashing — or faulty hardware.A blue screen occurs when Windows encounters a STOP Error. This critical failure causes Windows to crash and stop working. The only thing Windows can do is stop the computer and restart it.

Doughnut Chart in Excel

If you have several parts of something one, you can demonstrate each item in one pie chart. But a doughnut chart can help you demonstrate the changes of those parts. A pie chart contains one data series.  A doughnut chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole, but a doughnut chart can contain more than one data series.

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♦️Jammu and Kashmir Static GK♦️

✅Jammu and Kashmir is located in Himalayan mountains and shares borders with the state Himachal Pradesh and Punjab to the South.
✅The State has special autonomy under Article 370 of the Constitution of India.
♦️✅Jammu and Kashmir✅♦️
✅Statehood - 26 October, 1947
Capital - Srinagar ( Summer ) &  Jammu ( Winter )
Largest City - sri Nagar
Chief Minister- Governor's rule
Governor - Satya pal malik
Official Language - Urdu  ( Rank
State Animal - Hangul
State Bird - Black-necked Crane
State Flower - Lotus
State Tree  - Chinar
♦️National Parks/WLS
Dachigam National Park
Hemis National Park
Kishatwar National Park
Salim National Park
♦️Famous Lake
Wular Lake ( Largest Fresh water Lake in India )
Dal Lake
♦️City with Nickname
Srinagar – City of Lakes
♦️Famous Historic Sites
Dogra Art Museum
Leh Palace
Amar Mahal Palace

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CM- Jai Ram Thakur
Statehood Day-25Jan1971
 All Seasons’ State

Apple State
Mini Switzerland in India
High Court-Himachal
Bandli WLS
Chail WLS
Chandratal WLS
Churdhar WLS
Daranghati WLS
Dhauladhar WLS
Gamgul Siyabehi WLS
Kais WLS
Kalatop-Khajjiar WLS
Kanawar WLS
Khokhan WLS
Kibber WLS
Kugti WLS
Lippa Asrang WLS
Majathal WLS
Manali WLS
Nargu WLS
 Pong Dam Lake WLS
Renuka WLS
Rupi Bhaba WLS
Sangla Valley (Rakchham Chitkul) WLS
Sech Tuan Nala WLS
Sainj WLS
Shikari Devi WLS
Shimla Water Catchment WLS
Talra WLS
Tirthan WLS
Tundah WLS
Bird sanctuary
Gamgul bird sanctuary
Kullu–Manali Airport
Dharamsala airport
Shimla Airport
HPCA Cricket stadium-Cricket Stadium, Dharmshala,
Indhira Gandhi stadium, Una.
Power Plant
Bhakra Nangal Hydro Electric Power plant
Dehar Hydro Electric Power plant
Baira-Siul Hydro Electric Power plant
Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Electric Power plant
Bindwa Hidel project
Bassi Hydro Electric project
Andhra Hydel  project
Shivratri Fair (Mandi)
ShooliniMela (Solan)
Minjar Fair (Chamba)
Mani Mahesh ChhariYatra (Chamba)
Renuka fair (Sirmaur)
Lavi Trade Fair (Rampur)
GobindSagar, Reservoir – Sutlej River
Maharana Pratap Sagar Reservoir / Pong Dam – Beas River
Nathpa Dam – Sutlej River
BhakraNangal Dam – Sutlej River
Chamera Dam – Ravi River
Pandoh Dam – Beas River
Hindi (Official Language)
English (Additional official language)
Pahari,Dogri, Mandeali, Kangri and Kinnauri
National Boundary
 Uttarakhand
J & K
State Symbol
Animal-Snow leopard
Bird-Western tragopan 
Tree-Deodar cedar
Giddha parhaun
The Kayang Mala Dance

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♦️✅West Bengal Static Gk✅♦️
✅West Bengal is located in eastern India on the Bay of Bengal. It shares International borders with Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal.
♦️Some Important Facts♦️
Calcutta used to be British India’s Capital city, before it was shifted to New Delhi.
Howrah station is the busiest station in India.
Howrah Bridge is World’s busiest and largest cantilever bridge.
Port of Kolkata is the oldest operating port of India.
National library of India situated in Kolkata is largest public library in country.
♦️✅West Bengal✅♦️
Statehood - 26 January,1950
Capital - Kolkata
Largest City - Kolkata
Chief Minister - Mamta Banerjee
Governor - Keshri Nath Tripathi
Official Language - Bengali
State Animal - Fishing Cat
State Bird - White throated kingfisher
State Flower - Night-flowering Jasmin
State Tree - Chatim Tree
♦️Famous Dams
 Damodar River -Damodar Valley Corporation
Durgapur Barrage
Ganges River – Farakka Barrage
♦️National Parks/WLS
Jaldapara National Park,
Sunderban National Park ( UNESCO world heritage site ),
Gorumara National Park
♦️Folk Dances
Chhau (Purulia),
 Ganthali
♦️Classical Dances
Gaudiya Nritya
♦️Major Ports
 Haldia Port
♦️Famous Airports
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport
♦️Famous Stadiums
Eden Gardens
Salt Lake Stadium
♦️Thermal Power Plants
Farakka Super Thermal Power Station
♦️Famous Historic Monuments/Places
Victoria Memorial
Fort William
Botanical Garden
Tipu sultan Mosque
Nakhoda Masjid
Indian Museum

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♦️✅Karnataka Static GK✅♦️
✅Karnataka was formed on 1st November,1956 with the name Mysore State. On 1stNovember,1973 the Name was changed to Karnataka.
♦️Some Important Facts About Karnataka♦️
✅Karnataka is the largest Producer of Coffee
✅Bengaluru is Known as Silicon Valley of India
✅Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga samyukta singh in the engeri area in hubli, is the only unit in India authorised to manufacture and supply the flag of India.
✅Oriental Library, Mysore built in 1891 and known as the Oriental Research Institute, is the oldest library in India.
✅The 58 feet tall Gomateshwara statue at Shravanabelagola is the world’s largest monolith Statue.
✅Mattur or Mathur village in Karnataka is known for the usage of Sanskrit for Day-to-Day communication instead of Kannad.
✅Mysore city was the first one to publish weekly newspapers in Kannada in 1859.
✅It is in Karnataka the first ever private Radio station was set up in 1935 by Professor MV Gopalaswamy.
Statehood - 1st November, 1956
Capital - Bangalore
Largest City - Bangalore
Chief Minister - H D Kumaraswamy
Governor - Vajubhai Vala
Official Language - Kannada
✅State Animal - Asian Elephant
✅State Bird - Indian Roller
✅State Flower - Lotus
✅State Tree - Sandalwood
♦️Cabinet Ministers and their constituency
D V Sadananda Gowda – Bangalore NorthShri
Ananthkumar – Bangalore South
Nirmala Sitharaman – Rajya Sabha MP
♦️National Parks/WLS♦️
Bandipur National Park
Nagarhole National Park
Bannerghatta National Park
Kudremukh National Park
♦️Folk Dances♦️
Dollu Kunitha
♦️Major Ports♦️
Panambur Port
♦️Famous Airports
Kempegowda International Airport ( Bangalore )
♦️Famous Stadiums
M Chinnaswamy Stadium ( Bangalore )
♦️Thermal Power Plants
Kudgi Super Thermal Power Station
♦️Famous Temple
Gomateshwara Temple,
♦️Cities with nickname
Coorg – Scotland of India
Mangalore – Rome of East
♦️Famous Monuments/Places
Mysore Palace
Jog Falls

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♦️✅Madhya Pradesh STATIC GK✅♦️
✅Madhya Pradesh is a state in Central India. It borders the states of Uttar Pradesh to the northeast, Chhattisgarh o the southeast, Maharashtra to the south, Gujarat to the west, and Rajasthan to the northwest.
✅The state of Madhya Pradesh formed on 1st November 1956.
✅On 1st November 2001 Chhatisgarh was carved out of Madhya Pradesh.
♦️Important Facts♦️
✅The State is Popularly Known as the Heart of India.
✅The Great Stupa of Sanchi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in MP
✅The Largest producer of garlic in India
♦️Madhya Pradesh♦️
Statehood - 1 November,1956
Capital - Bhopal
Largest City - Indore
Chief Minister -Kamal Nath
Governor - Anandiben Patel
Official Language - Hindi
State Animal - Barasingha
State Bird - Indian Paradise fly catcher
State Flower - Madonna Lily
State Tree
Shala Tree
♦️Famous Dams
Narmada River – Indira Sagar
♦️Cabinet Ministers and their constituency
Sushma Swaraj ( Vidisha – MP )
Narendra Singh Tomar ( Gwalior – MP )
Thawar Chand Gehlot ( Rajya Sabha MP )
Prakash Javadekar ( Rajya Sabha MP )
♦️National Parks/WLS
Bandhavgarh National Park
Kanha National Park
Pench National Park
Panna National Park
Madhav National Park
♦️Famous Airports
Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Airport ( Indore )
Raja Bhoj Airport ( Bhopal )
♦️Famous Stadiums
Caption Roop Singh Stadium ( Gwlalior )
Holkar Stadium ( Indore)
♦️Thermal Power Plants
Vindhyachal Thermal Power Station,
Sasan Ultra Mega Power Station
♦️Famous Monuments
KhajurahoSanchi Stupa
Gwalior Fort
Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka
Bharat Bhavan
Chanderi Fort
Datia Fort
Jhansi Fort

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Haryana carved out of the former state of East Punjab on 1st November, 1966. Haryana is surrounded by Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh and also with River Yamuna.
♦️Some Important Facts♦️
✅Haryana is the first State to have 100 % Rural Electrification
✅Haryana is the Largest Exporter of Basmati Rice in India.
✅The City of Panipat finds mention in Mahabharata.
✅Asia biggest cactus garden is located in Panchkula
✅Statehood - 1 November, 1966
✅Capital - Chandigarh
✅Largest City - Faridabad
✅Chief Minister - Manohar Lal Khattar
✅Governor - Satyadev Narayan Arya
✅Official Language - Hindi
State Animal - Black buck
State Bird - Black Francolin
State Flower - Lotus
State Tree - Pipal
♦️National Parks/WLS♦️
Kalesar National Park
Sultanpur National Park
♦️Famous Stadium
Nahar Singh Stadium – Faridabad
♦️Famous Historical Sites
Brahma Sarovar
Rock Garden – Chandigarh
Barsi Gate
chhachhrauli fort
Cantonment Church Tower
Firoz Shah Palace Complex
Tomb of Ibrahim Lodhi

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CAPITAL- imphal
CM- n .biren Singh
GOV- Dr. Nazama heptullah
♦️LANGUAGE- Meitei
♦️HIGH COURT- Manipur high court (Ramalingam Sudhakar)
♦️BORDER SHARE STATE- Nagaland Assam, Mizoram
NP- Keibul lamejao
♦️DAM- singda dam, mapithel dam
WILD LIFE- Yangoupokpi, lokchaowls
TEMPLE- mahaabali, sanamahi temple
DANCE- manipuri,  nupa
♦️ANIMAL- sangai
♦️BIRD- Nongyeen
♦️FLOWER- Siroi lily
♦️LAKE- loktak

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✅The present State of Gujarat came into being on May, 1960. It is situated on the west coast of India. The state is bounded by the Arabian Sea on the west, Pakistan and Rajasthan in the north and north-east respectively, Madhya Pradesh in the south-east and Maharashtra in the south.
♦️Some Important Facts♦️
✅The first capital of Gujarat was Ahmedabad; the capital was moved to Gandhinagar in 1970.
✅Gandhinagar is the greenest capital city in whole Asia.
✅State has the Longest coastline of 1600 km.
✅The Largest Producer of Cotton
✅The Largest producer of groundnut in India
✅The Largest Oilseeds producing state
✅world’s Largest ship breaking yard is in Gujarat near Bhavnagar at Alang.
✅Statehood - 1st May,1960
✅Capital - Gandhinagar
✅Largest City - Ahmedabad
✅Chief Minister - Vijay Rupani
✅Governor - Om Prakash Kohli
✅Official Language - Gujarati
✅State Animal - Asiatic Lion
✅State Bird - Greater Flamingo
✅State Flower - Marigold
♦️Cities with Nickname
✅Vadodara – The Cultural City of India
✅Surat – Diamond City of India, Textile City of India
✅Gandhinagar – Green City
✅Ahmedabad – Manchester of India
♦️Famous Dams
Tapti River – Ukai Dam
Sabarmati River – Dharoi Dam
Mahi River – Kadana Dam
Banas River – Dantiwada Dam
♦️Cabinet Ministers and their constituency
✅Arun Jaitley – Rajya Sabha MP
✅Smriti Zubin Irani – Rajya Sabha MP
♦️National Parks/WLS
Gir National Park
Marine National Park
Blackbuck National Park
♦️Famous Dance
♦️Major Ports
Kandla Port
♦️Famous Airports
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport ( Ahmedabad )
♦️Famous Stadiums
Sardar Patel Stadium – Ahmedabad
Madhavrao Scindia Stadium – Rajkot
♦️Thermal Power Plants
Mundra Thermal Power Plant
Wanakbori Thermal Power Plant
Sikka Thermal Power Plant
Kakrapar Thermal Power Plant
♦️Famous Temple
Somnath Temple
Ambaji Temple
Dwarkadhish Temple
♦️Famous Historic Places/Monuments
Laxmi Vilas Palace – Vadodara
Rani ki Vav – Patan

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Goa is situated on the western coast of the Indian Peninsula.On its north runs the Terekhol River which separates Goa from Maharashtra and on the south lies North Canara district of Karnataka. On the east lie the Western Ghats and on the west the Arabian Sea.
♦️Some Important Facts♦️
✅Only Indian state with an active and enforced Uniform Civil Code implemented by the Portuguese.
✅The first printing press of Asia was installed in Goa
✅The Forest Density Cover of Goa is Over 30%
✅Asia’s Only Naval Aviation Museum is at Goa
✅Se Cathedral church in Old Goa is the largest in Asia
✅first medical school of India was established in Panaji, Goa in 1842. It is demolished in 2004
✅This state has two official languages – Konkani and Marathi
✅Goa offers Asia’s first launch Floating Casino at Panaji.
Statehood - 30 May,1987
Capital - Panaji
Largest City - Vasco Da Gama
Chief Minister - Manohar Parrikar
Governor - Mridula Sinha
Official Language - Konkani, Marathi
✅State Animal - Gaur
✅State Bird - Ruby Throated Yellow Bulbul
✅State Fish - Grey Mullet
✅State Tree - Coconut Palm
✅Famous Airport - Dabolim Airport
♦️Famous National Parks/WLS♦️
Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary
Molem ( Bhagwan Mahavir ) Wildlife Sanctuary
Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary
Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary
Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary
Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary
Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary
♦️Famous Historic Places
Se Cathedral Church ( UNESCO World Heritage Site )
Aguaga Fort
Chapora Fort
Basilica de Bom Jesus Church
Dudhsagar Falls

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Formation - 1 may 1960
Capital - Mumbai
CM - Devendra Fadnavis
Governor - C Vidyasaagar Rao
Official Language - Marathi
DLR - 364819
Border State - Goa, Karnataka, Telangana, chhattisgarh, MP, Gujrat, Dadra and Nagar haveli
Legislative Assembly - 288
Legislative Council - 78
Mumbai highcourt CJ - Naresh Harishchandra Patil
Koyna - Koyna River
Bhatsa - Bhatsa River
Girna - Girna River
Radhanagari - Bhogavati
National parks
Wildlife Sanctuary
Dance - Lavani
Tarapur atomic power station
Jaitapur nuclear power project
Nagpur - Orange city
Third largest state by area

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One of the major states of the Indian Union, Bihar is bounded on the north by Nepal, on the east by West Bengal, on west by Uttar Pradesh and on the south by Jharkhand. Bihar has a number of rivers, the most important of which is the Ganga.
♦️Some Important Facts About Bihar♦️
The Largest producer of litchis in India
The tenth and the last Guru of Sikhism, Guru Gobind Singh was born in Patna.
Vardhamana Mahavira, the 24th and the last Tirthankara of Jainism, was born in Vaishali around the 6th century BC.
Bihar is the home of the oldest Hindu temple of India- Mundeshwari.
Patna, Bihar is the home to world’s longest WiFi range- 20 kms.

✅Statehood - 26 January, 1950
✅Capital - Patna
✅Largest City - Patna
✅Chief Minister - Nitish Kumar
✅Governor, - Satya Pal Malik
✅Official Language -  Hindi
✅State Animal - Indian Bison/Gaur
✅State Bird - House Sparrow
✅State Flower - Orchid Tree
✅State Tree - Peeps Tree
♦️Famous National Parks/WLS/Bird Sanctuaries♦️
✅Valmiki National Park
✅Rajgir WLS
✅Kanwar Lake -  Bird Sanctuary
✅Vikramshila Gangetic - Dolphin Sanctuary
✅Kaimur WLS
✅Famous Airport -
Jay Prakash Narayan Airport – Patna
✅Famous Stadiums
Moin-ul-Haq Stadium – Patna
✅Famous Heritage Site
Bothi Tree
 Nalanda University
✅Famous Temple
Mahabodhi Temple
✅Famous Dance
 Chhau

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(Largest Producer Of Soyabeans in India)
 Formation Day-- 1 November
 Cap-- Bhopal
 Largest City-- Indore
 CM-- Kamal Nath
 Gov -- Anandiben Patel
 Additional Charge (Chattisgarh)
 HC -- Sanjay Km Seth
 DLR-- 522911
 Language-- Hindi
 Grida
 Maanch
 Matki
 Phul pati
 Manjires
 Kanha
 Panna
 Pench
 Madhav
 Satapuda
 Bhandhavgarh
 Van vihar
 Karera
 Orcha
 Phen
 Bagdara
 Singori
 Ghati gaon
 Bansagar
 Indira Sagar
 Onkareshvar
 Tawa
 Bhojtal
 Narmada
 Tapti
 Son
 Tawa
 Betwa
 Bhojtal
 Lower
 Moti
 Vindhyachal Singrauli
 Raja bhoj International Airport ( Bhopal)
 Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Airport (Indore)
 Jabalpur Airport
 Lokrang
 Khajuraho
 Ujjain kumbha mela
 Holi
 Dussehra
 Mahakaleshwar
 Mahadev
 Shri Onkareshvar Jyotirling
 Chitragupt
 Maharani Holkar Cricket Stadium ( Indore)
 Nehru Stadium
 Mini Mumbai---Indore
 City of lakes--- Bhopal
 UP
 Rajasthan
 Gujrat
 Maharashtra
 Chattisgarh
 NEWS 
1) National Institute Of Design-- Bhopal
2) 1st Spiritual Department
3) 1st Happiness Department
4) Centre For Disability Sports-- Gwalior
5) MP Govt Set up 1000 "Gaushala's" or Cow Shelters
 Note-- 1st State set up COW Shelter-- UP
6) Yuva Swabhiman Yojana
7) MP govt 70% Jobs Provide for Locals
1) Thaawar Chandra Gehlot--- Social Justice & Empowerment--- MP-- RS
2) Smt. Shushma Swaraj--- External Affairs--- Vidisha, MP
3) Dharmendra Pradhan--- Petroleum & Natural Gas Skill Devlopment-- MP

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  1.  Capital : Atalnagar 
  2.  Chhattisgarh, carved out of Madhya Pradesh came into being on 1 November 2000 as the 26th State of the Union.  
  3.  . It fulfills the long-cherished demand of the people. In ancient times the region was known as Dakshin-Kausal.  
  4.  Chhattisgarh is bounded by southern Jharkhand and Odisha in the east, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra in the west, Uttar Pradesh and western Jharkhand in the north and Andhra Pradesh in the south. 
  5.  Rice is the predominant crop of the state. 
  6.  Other important crops are maize, wheat, niger, groundnut and pulses. 
  7.  Large deposits of coal, iron ore, limestone, bauxite, and dolomite are found in various parts of the state. 
  8.  No. Of districts : 27 
  9.  Governor : Anandiben Patel 
  10.  C.M. : Bhupesh Baghel 
  11.  State Tree : Sal, State Animal : Wild Buffalo, State Bird : Pahari Myna 
  12.  Highest Peak : Bailadila Range at 1,276 m. 
  13.  Famous Waterfalls: Chitrakot 
  14.  Rivers: Mahanadi, Godavari and Sone 
  15.  Festivals: Pola, Nawakhai, 
  16.  Folk Dances: Panthi, Rawat Nacha, Saila

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1. Capital: Dispur
2. Assam is an agricultural State.
3. The principal food crop is rice.
4. The cash crops are jute, tea, cotton, oilseeds, sugarcane, potato, etc.
5. Assam is known for her rich forest wealth which constituted 26.22 percent of 
the total forest area.
6. The State has five National Parks and eleven wildlife sanctuaries: The 
Kaziranga National Park and the Manas Tiger Project (National Park) are  
internationally famous for one horned Rhino and Royal Bengal Tiger 
7. Presently four oil refineries have been working in the state including the one at 
8. A Central Institute for Plastic Engineering Technology (CIPET) has been  
established at Amingaon near Guwahati.
9. The major power stations are Chandrapur Thermal Project, Namrup Thermal 
Project and a few Mobile Gas Turbine Units along with a mini hydro-electric 
10. The regular civil air services operate from Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Airport 
(Guwahati), Salonibari (Tezpur), Mohanbari (Dibrugarh), Kumbhirgram (Silchar), 
Rawriah (Jorhat) and Silonibari (North Lakhimpur).
11. Bihu is the chief festival celebrated on the three occasions.
12. Rongali Bihu or Bohag Bihu marks the advent of the cropping season and it also 
ushers in the Assamese New Year.
13. Bhogali Bihu or Magh Bihu is the harvest festival and Kati Bihu or Kongali 
Bihu coming in autumn is a simple affair.
14. Kamakhya temple, Umananda (Peacock Island), Navagraha (temple of nine 
planets), Basistha Ashram, Dolgobinda, Gandhi Mandap, State Zoo, State Museum, 
Sukreswar temple, Gita Mandir, Madan Kamdev temple, a magnificent 
archaeological place of interest, and Saraighat bridge.
15. Governor: Jagdish Mukhi
16. C.M.: Sarbananda Sonowal 

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